excavator on construction site

Before building a house or commercial property, it’s essential that the ground that we lay the foundation upon is perfect. After all, you want the property to stand tall, stable, and proud for many years to come. 

This is where site cuts and excavation come into play. Laying that perfect foundation means getting rid of unwanted material from the ground. Thus, knowing your building won’t face any issues in the future. 

But before this can begin, a thorough survey of the construction site is essential. Why? Because it provides us with the information we need to determine the amount of earth we cut into. 

Once we know what we are dealing with, it’s time to move on to site cutting. 

What is a site cut, and what does it involve? 

As the name suggests, site cuts involve cutting mapped-out land to clear a construction site of vegetation and rocks. 

The site cut is a crucial step in preparing a solid foundation for any construction to result in a safe and solid building that will withstand all conditions and not weaken and collapse. 

So, how is this done? Site cuts are no easy feat! They involve several tools, including the following. 

And let’s not forget a highly skilled contractor. 

What do we mean by excavation in construction? 

You guessed it – excavation is digging up and removing dirt, rocks, tree roots, and debris from the building site to provide a clean slate for the building project. In a way, site cuts and excavation go hand in hand. 

An Excavation job involves using various excavation tools, machinery, and in some instances, explosives. The tools and the process used will depend on the type and scale of the project. The bigger the project, the bigger the tools required. 

But before any work begins, it’s essential for us to lay down excavation lines and centre lines. These lay the benchmark for the depth of the dig – allowing us to know what we are working with. Once we set the reference points, the excavation begins, and the team removes unwanted soil from the construction site. 

While it all sounds quite simple in theory, there is much more to it than meets the eye, and every step of the job must be carried out in line with the excavation code of practice. 

Hire the professionals 

The above is just a brief overview to help you understand the basics behind the initial stages of construction – site cuts and excavation. While there’s more to it, we like to let the work speak for itself. 

But before signing off, here’s one important tip – always ensure you hire a licensed, professional company for the job. This way, you can ensure that any work carried out is in line with all work health and safety codes of practice. 

At NextGen Concrete and Excavation, our concreters are highly experienced and qualified. We ensure each job is carried out in accordance with the Safe Work construction code of practice. So, you can rest assured your project is in good hands. 

Contact us today to book your project or get a quote. 

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